#!/usr/bin/env ruby # frozen_string_literal: true #-- # Portions copyright 2004 by Jim Weirich (jim@weirichhouse.org). # Portions copyright 2005 by Sam Ruby (rubys@intertwingly.net). # All rights reserved. # Permission is granted for use, copying, modification, distribution, # and distribution of modified versions of this work as long as the # above copyright notice is included. #++ require 'helper' require 'preload' require 'blankslate' require 'stringio' # Methods to be introduced into the Object class late. module LateObject def late_object 33 end def LateObject.included(mod) # Modules defining an included method should not prevent blank # slate erasure! end end # Methods to be introduced into the Kernel module late. module LateKernel def late_kernel 44 end def LateKernel.included(mod) # Modules defining an included method should not prevent blank # slate erasure! end end # Introduce some late methods (both module and direct) into the Kernel # module. module Kernel include LateKernel def late_addition 1234 end def double_late_addition 22 end end # Introduce some late methods (both module and direct) into the Object # class. class Object include LateObject def another_late_addition 4321 end end # Introduce some late methods by inclusion. module GlobalModule def global_inclusion 42 end end include GlobalModule def direct_global 43 end ###################################################################### # Test case for blank slate. # class TestBlankSlate < Builder::Test def setup @bs = BlankSlate.new end def test_undefined_methods_remain_undefined assert_raise(NoMethodError) { @bs.no_such_method } assert_raise(NoMethodError) { @bs.nil? } end # NOTE: NameError is acceptable because the lack of a '.' means that # Ruby can't tell if it is a method or a local variable. def test_undefined_methods_remain_undefined_during_instance_eval assert_raise(NoMethodError, NameError) do @bs.instance_eval do nil? end end assert_raise(NoMethodError, NameError) do @bs.instance_eval do no_such_method end end end def test_private_methods_are_undefined assert_raise(NoMethodError) do @bs.puts "HI" end end def test_untargetted_private_methods_are_defined_during_instance_eval oldstdout = $stdout $stdout = StringIO.new @bs.instance_eval do puts "HI" end ensure $stdout = oldstdout end def test_methods_added_late_to_kernel_remain_undefined assert_equal 1234, nil.late_addition assert_raise(NoMethodError) { @bs.late_addition } end def test_methods_added_late_to_object_remain_undefined assert_equal 4321, nil.another_late_addition assert_raise(NoMethodError) { @bs.another_late_addition } end def test_methods_added_late_to_global_remain_undefined assert_equal 42, global_inclusion assert_raise(NoMethodError) { @bs.global_inclusion } end def test_preload_method_added assert Kernel.k_added_names.include?(:late_addition) assert Object.o_added_names.include?(:another_late_addition) end def test_method_defined_late_multiple_times_remain_undefined assert_equal 22, nil.double_late_addition assert_raise(NoMethodError) { @bs.double_late_addition } end def test_late_included_module_in_object_is_ok assert_equal 33, 1.late_object assert_raise(NoMethodError) { @bs.late_object } end def test_late_included_module_in_kernel_is_ok assert_raise(NoMethodError) { @bs.late_kernel } end def test_revealing_previously_hidden_methods_are_callable with_to_s = Class.new(BlankSlate) do reveal :to_s end assert_match(/^#<.*>$/, with_to_s.new.to_s) end def test_revealing_previously_hidden_methods_are_callable_with_block Object.class_eval <<-EOS def given_block(&block) block end EOS with_given_block = Class.new(BlankSlate) do reveal :given_block end assert_not_nil with_given_block.new.given_block {} end def test_revealing_a_hidden_method_twice_is_ok with_to_s = Class.new(BlankSlate) do reveal :to_s reveal :to_s end assert_match(/^#<.*>$/, with_to_s.new.to_s) end def test_revealing_unknown_hidden_method_is_an_error assert_raises(RuntimeError) do Class.new(BlankSlate) do reveal :xyz end end end def test_global_includes_still_work assert_nothing_raised do assert_equal 42, global_inclusion assert_equal 42, Object.new.global_inclusion assert_equal 42, "magic number".global_inclusion assert_equal 43, direct_global end end def test_reveal_should_not_bind_to_an_instance with_object_id = Class.new(BlankSlate) do reveal(:object_id) end obj1 = with_object_id.new obj2 = with_object_id.new assert obj1.object_id != obj2.object_id, "Revealed methods should not be bound to a particular instance" end end