# Avoid parameter lists longer than five parameters. ParameterLists: Max: 3 CountKeywordArgs: true # Avoid more than `Max` levels of nesting. BlockNesting: Max: 3 # Align with the style guide. CollectionMethods: PreferredMethods: collect: 'map' inject: 'reduce' find: 'detect' find_all: 'select' # Do not force public/protected/private keyword to be indented at the same # level as the def keyword. My personal preference is to outdent these keywords # because I think when scanning code it makes it easier to identify the # sections of code and visually separate them. When the keyword is at the same # level I think it sort of blends in with the def keywords and makes it harder # to scan the code and see where the sections are. AccessModifierIndentation: Enabled: false # Limit line length LineLength: Max: 106 # Disable documentation checking until a class needs to be documented once Documentation: Enabled: false # Do not always use &&/|| instead of and/or. AndOr: Enabled: false # Do not favor modifier if/unless usage when you have a single-line body IfUnlessModifier: Enabled: false # Allow case equality operator (in limited use within the specs) CaseEquality: Enabled: false # Constants do not always have to use SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE ConstantName: Enabled: false # Not all trivial readers/writers can be defined with attr_* methods TrivialAccessors: Enabled: false # Allow empty lines around class body EmptyLinesAroundClassBody: Enabled: false # Allow empty lines around module body EmptyLinesAroundModuleBody: Enabled: false # Allow empty lines around block body EmptyLinesAroundBlockBody: Enabled: false # Allow multiple line operations to not require indentation MultilineOperationIndentation: Enabled: false # Prefer String#% over Kernel#sprintf FormatString: Enabled: false # Use square brackets for literal Array objects PercentLiteralDelimiters: PreferredDelimiters: '%': '{}' '%i': '[]' '%q': () '%Q': () '%r': '{}' '%s': () '%w': '[]' '%W': '[]' '%x': () # Use %i[...] for arrays of symbols SymbolArray: Enabled: true # Align if/else blocks with the variable assignment EndAlignment: AlignWith: variable # Do not always align parameters when it is easier to read AlignParameters: Exclude: - spec/**/*_spec.rb # Prefer #kind_of? over #is_a? ClassCheck: EnforcedStyle: kind_of? # Do not prefer double quotes to be used when %q or %Q is more appropriate UnneededPercentQ: Enabled: false # Allow a maximum ABC score Metrics/AbcSize: Max: 8.6 # Do not prefer lambda.call(...) over lambda.(...) LambdaCall: Enabled: false