build: off deploy: off environment: PATH: C:\Ruby%RUBY_VERSION%\bin;%PATH% APPVEYOR_SAVE_CACHE_ON_ERROR: True matrix: - RUBY_VERSION: _trunk - RUBY_VERSION: 26-x64 - RUBY_VERSION: 25-x64 - RUBY_VERSION: 24-x64 - RUBY_VERSION: 23-x64 - RUBY_VERSION: 23 init: - ps: | if ($env:RUBY_VERSION -eq '_trunk') { $trunk_uri = '' (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($trunk_uri, 'C:\ruby_trunk.7z') 7z.exe x C:\ruby_trunk.7z -oC:\Ruby_trunk } install: - SET RAKEOPT=-rdevkit - gem update --system --conservative --no-document - ruby -v - gem -v - bundle -v - bundle install --path vendor\bundle --without development test_script: - bundle exec rake spec matrix: allow_failures: - RUBY_VERSION: _trunk cache: # If one of the files after the right arrow changes, cache will be invalidated - vendor\bundle -> appveyor.yml, Gemfile, nio4r.gemspec