/* * loop member variable declarations * * Copyright (c) 2007,2008,2009,2010,2011,2012,2013,2019 Marc Alexander Lehmann <libev@schmorp.de> * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modifica- * tion, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MER- * CHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO * EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPE- * CIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; * OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTH- * ERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED * OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * the GNU General Public License ("GPL") version 2 or any later version, * in which case the provisions of the GPL are applicable instead of * the above. If you wish to allow the use of your version of this file * only under the terms of the GPL and not to allow others to use your * version of this file under the BSD license, indicate your decision * by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL. If you do not delete the * provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * either the BSD or the GPL. */ #define VARx(type,name) VAR(name, type name) VARx(ev_tstamp, now_floor) /* last time we refreshed rt_time */ VARx(ev_tstamp, mn_now) /* monotonic clock "now" */ VARx(ev_tstamp, rtmn_diff) /* difference realtime - monotonic time */ /* for reverse feeding of events */ VARx(W *, rfeeds) VARx(int, rfeedmax) VARx(int, rfeedcnt) VAR (pendings, ANPENDING *pendings [NUMPRI]) VAR (pendingmax, int pendingmax [NUMPRI]) VAR (pendingcnt, int pendingcnt [NUMPRI]) VARx(int, pendingpri) /* highest priority currently pending */ VARx(ev_prepare, pending_w) /* dummy pending watcher */ VARx(ev_tstamp, io_blocktime) VARx(ev_tstamp, timeout_blocktime) VARx(int, backend) VARx(int, activecnt) /* total number of active events ("refcount") */ VARx(EV_ATOMIC_T, loop_done) /* signal by ev_break */ VARx(int, backend_fd) VARx(ev_tstamp, backend_mintime) /* assumed typical timer resolution */ VAR (backend_modify, void (*backend_modify)(EV_P_ int fd, int oev, int nev)) VAR (backend_poll , void (*backend_poll)(EV_P_ ev_tstamp timeout)) VARx(ANFD *, anfds) VARx(int, anfdmax) VAR (evpipe, int evpipe [2]) VARx(ev_io, pipe_w) VARx(EV_ATOMIC_T, pipe_write_wanted) VARx(EV_ATOMIC_T, pipe_write_skipped) #if !defined(_WIN32) || EV_GENWRAP VARx(pid_t, curpid) #endif VARx(char, postfork) /* true if we need to recreate kernel state after fork */ #if EV_USE_SELECT || EV_GENWRAP VARx(void *, vec_ri) VARx(void *, vec_ro) VARx(void *, vec_wi) VARx(void *, vec_wo) #if defined(_WIN32) || EV_GENWRAP VARx(void *, vec_eo) #endif VARx(int, vec_max) #endif #if EV_USE_POLL || EV_GENWRAP VARx(struct pollfd *, polls) VARx(int, pollmax) VARx(int, pollcnt) VARx(int *, pollidxs) /* maps fds into structure indices */ VARx(int, pollidxmax) #endif #if EV_USE_EPOLL || EV_GENWRAP VARx(struct epoll_event *, epoll_events) VARx(int, epoll_eventmax) VARx(int *, epoll_eperms) VARx(int, epoll_epermcnt) VARx(int, epoll_epermmax) #endif #if EV_USE_LINUXAIO || EV_GENWRAP VARx(aio_context_t, linuxaio_ctx) VARx(int, linuxaio_iteration) VARx(struct aniocb **, linuxaio_iocbps) VARx(int, linuxaio_iocbpmax) VARx(struct iocb **, linuxaio_submits) VARx(int, linuxaio_submitcnt) VARx(int, linuxaio_submitmax) VARx(ev_io, linuxaio_epoll_w) #endif #if EV_USE_KQUEUE || EV_GENWRAP VARx(pid_t, kqueue_fd_pid) VARx(struct kevent *, kqueue_changes) VARx(int, kqueue_changemax) VARx(int, kqueue_changecnt) VARx(struct kevent *, kqueue_events) VARx(int, kqueue_eventmax) #endif #if EV_USE_PORT || EV_GENWRAP VARx(struct port_event *, port_events) VARx(int, port_eventmax) #endif #if EV_USE_IOCP || EV_GENWRAP VARx(HANDLE, iocp) #endif VARx(int *, fdchanges) VARx(int, fdchangemax) VARx(int, fdchangecnt) VARx(ANHE *, timers) VARx(int, timermax) VARx(int, timercnt) #if EV_PERIODIC_ENABLE || EV_GENWRAP VARx(ANHE *, periodics) VARx(int, periodicmax) VARx(int, periodiccnt) #endif #if EV_IDLE_ENABLE || EV_GENWRAP VAR (idles, ev_idle **idles [NUMPRI]) VAR (idlemax, int idlemax [NUMPRI]) VAR (idlecnt, int idlecnt [NUMPRI]) #endif VARx(int, idleall) /* total number */ VARx(struct ev_prepare **, prepares) VARx(int, preparemax) VARx(int, preparecnt) VARx(struct ev_check **, checks) VARx(int, checkmax) VARx(int, checkcnt) #if EV_FORK_ENABLE || EV_GENWRAP VARx(struct ev_fork **, forks) VARx(int, forkmax) VARx(int, forkcnt) #endif #if EV_CLEANUP_ENABLE || EV_GENWRAP VARx(struct ev_cleanup **, cleanups) VARx(int, cleanupmax) VARx(int, cleanupcnt) #endif #if EV_ASYNC_ENABLE || EV_GENWRAP VARx(EV_ATOMIC_T, async_pending) VARx(struct ev_async **, asyncs) VARx(int, asyncmax) VARx(int, asynccnt) #endif #if EV_USE_INOTIFY || EV_GENWRAP VARx(int, fs_fd) VARx(ev_io, fs_w) VARx(char, fs_2625) /* whether we are running in linux 2.6.25 or newer */ VAR (fs_hash, ANFS fs_hash [EV_INOTIFY_HASHSIZE]) #endif VARx(EV_ATOMIC_T, sig_pending) #if EV_USE_SIGNALFD || EV_GENWRAP VARx(int, sigfd) VARx(ev_io, sigfd_w) VARx(sigset_t, sigfd_set) #endif VARx(unsigned int, origflags) /* original loop flags */ #if EV_FEATURE_API || EV_GENWRAP VARx(unsigned int, loop_count) /* total number of loop iterations/blocks */ VARx(unsigned int, loop_depth) /* #ev_run enters - #ev_run leaves */ VARx(void *, userdata) /* C++ doesn't support the ev_loop_callback typedef here. stinks. */ VAR (release_cb, void (*release_cb)(EV_P) EV_NOEXCEPT) VAR (acquire_cb, void (*acquire_cb)(EV_P) EV_NOEXCEPT) VAR (invoke_cb , ev_loop_callback invoke_cb) #endif #undef VARx