/* * pg_copycoder.c - PG::Coder class extension * */ #include "pg.h" #define ISOCTAL(c) (((c) >= '0') && ((c) <= '7')) #define OCTVALUE(c) ((c) - '0') VALUE rb_cPG_CopyCoder; VALUE rb_cPG_CopyEncoder; VALUE rb_cPG_CopyDecoder; typedef struct { t_pg_coder comp; VALUE typemap; VALUE null_string; char delimiter; } t_pg_copycoder; static void pg_copycoder_mark( t_pg_copycoder *this ) { rb_gc_mark(this->typemap); rb_gc_mark(this->null_string); } static VALUE pg_copycoder_encoder_allocate( VALUE klass ) { t_pg_copycoder *this; VALUE self = Data_Make_Struct( klass, t_pg_copycoder, pg_copycoder_mark, -1, this ); pg_coder_init_encoder( self ); this->typemap = pg_typemap_all_strings; this->delimiter = '\t'; this->null_string = rb_str_new_cstr("\\N"); return self; } static VALUE pg_copycoder_decoder_allocate( VALUE klass ) { t_pg_copycoder *this; VALUE self = Data_Make_Struct( klass, t_pg_copycoder, pg_copycoder_mark, -1, this ); pg_coder_init_decoder( self ); this->typemap = pg_typemap_all_strings; this->delimiter = '\t'; this->null_string = rb_str_new_cstr("\\N"); return self; } /* * call-seq: * coder.delimiter = String * * Specifies the character that separates columns within each row (line) of the file. * The default is a tab character in text format, a comma in CSV format. * This must be a single one-byte character. This option is ignored when using binary format. */ static VALUE pg_copycoder_delimiter_set(VALUE self, VALUE delimiter) { t_pg_copycoder *this = DATA_PTR(self); StringValue(delimiter); if(RSTRING_LEN(delimiter) != 1) rb_raise( rb_eArgError, "delimiter size must be one byte"); this->delimiter = *RSTRING_PTR(delimiter); return delimiter; } /* * call-seq: * coder.delimiter -> String * * The character that separates columns within each row (line) of the file. */ static VALUE pg_copycoder_delimiter_get(VALUE self) { t_pg_copycoder *this = DATA_PTR(self); return rb_str_new(&this->delimiter, 1); } /* * Specifies the string that represents a null value. The default is \\N (backslash-N) * in text format, and an unquoted empty string in CSV format. You might prefer an * empty string even in text format for cases where you don't want to distinguish nulls * from empty strings. This option is ignored when using binary format. */ static VALUE pg_copycoder_null_string_set(VALUE self, VALUE null_string) { t_pg_copycoder *this = DATA_PTR(self); StringValue(null_string); this->null_string = null_string; return null_string; } /* * The string that represents a null value. */ static VALUE pg_copycoder_null_string_get(VALUE self) { t_pg_copycoder *this = DATA_PTR(self); return this->null_string; } /* * call-seq: * coder.type_map = map * * +map+ must be a kind of PG::TypeMap . * * Defaults to a PG::TypeMapAllStrings , so that PG::TextEncoder::String respectively * PG::TextDecoder::String is used for encoding/decoding of all columns. * */ static VALUE pg_copycoder_type_map_set(VALUE self, VALUE type_map) { t_pg_copycoder *this = DATA_PTR( self ); if ( !rb_obj_is_kind_of(type_map, rb_cTypeMap) ){ rb_raise( rb_eTypeError, "wrong elements type %s (expected some kind of PG::TypeMap)", rb_obj_classname( type_map ) ); } this->typemap = type_map; return type_map; } /* * call-seq: * coder.type_map -> PG::TypeMap * */ static VALUE pg_copycoder_type_map_get(VALUE self) { t_pg_copycoder *this = DATA_PTR( self ); return this->typemap; } /* * Document-class: PG::TextEncoder::CopyRow < PG::CopyEncoder * * This class encodes one row of arbitrary columns for transmission as COPY data in text format. * See the {COPY command}[http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/sql-copy.html] * for description of the format. * * It is intended to be used in conjunction with PG::Connection#put_copy_data . * * The columns are expected as Array of values. The single values are encoded as defined * in the assigned #type_map. If no type_map was assigned, all values are converted to * strings by PG::TextEncoder::String. * * Example with default type map ( TypeMapAllStrings ): * conn.exec "create table my_table (a text,b int,c bool)" * enco = PG::TextEncoder::CopyRow.new * conn.copy_data "COPY my_table FROM STDIN", enco do * conn.put_copy_data ["astring", 7, false] * conn.put_copy_data ["string2", 42, true] * end * This creates +my_table+ and inserts two rows. * * It is possible to manually assign a type encoder for each column per PG::TypeMapByColumn, * or to make use of PG::BasicTypeMapBasedOnResult to assign them based on the table OIDs. * * See also PG::TextDecoder::CopyRow for the decoding direction with * PG::Connection#get_copy_data . */ static int pg_text_enc_copy_row(t_pg_coder *conv, VALUE value, char *out, VALUE *intermediate, int enc_idx) { t_pg_copycoder *this = (t_pg_copycoder *)conv; t_pg_coder_enc_func enc_func; static t_pg_coder *p_elem_coder; int i; t_typemap *p_typemap; char *current_out; char *end_capa_ptr; p_typemap = DATA_PTR( this->typemap ); p_typemap->funcs.fit_to_query( this->typemap, value ); /* Allocate a new string with embedded capacity and realloc exponential when needed. */ PG_RB_STR_NEW( *intermediate, current_out, end_capa_ptr ); PG_ENCODING_SET_NOCHECK(*intermediate, enc_idx); for( i=0; i 0 ){ PG_RB_STR_ENSURE_CAPA( *intermediate, 1, current_out, end_capa_ptr ); *current_out++ = this->delimiter; } switch(TYPE(entry)){ case T_NIL: PG_RB_STR_ENSURE_CAPA( *intermediate, RSTRING_LEN(this->null_string), current_out, end_capa_ptr ); memcpy( current_out, RSTRING_PTR(this->null_string), RSTRING_LEN(this->null_string) ); current_out += RSTRING_LEN(this->null_string); break; default: p_elem_coder = p_typemap->funcs.typecast_query_param(p_typemap, entry, i); enc_func = pg_coder_enc_func(p_elem_coder); /* 1st pass for retiving the required memory space */ strlen = enc_func(p_elem_coder, entry, NULL, &subint, enc_idx); if( strlen == -1 ){ /* we can directly use String value in subint */ strlen = RSTRING_LEN(subint); /* size of string assuming the worst case, that every character must be escaped. */ PG_RB_STR_ENSURE_CAPA( *intermediate, strlen * 2, current_out, end_capa_ptr ); /* Copy string from subint with backslash escaping */ for(ptr1 = RSTRING_PTR(subint); ptr1 < RSTRING_PTR(subint) + strlen; ptr1++) { /* Escape backslash itself, newline, carriage return, and the current delimiter character. */ if(*ptr1 == '\\' || *ptr1 == '\n' || *ptr1 == '\r' || *ptr1 == this->delimiter){ *current_out++ = '\\'; } *current_out++ = *ptr1; } } else { /* 2nd pass for writing the data to prepared buffer */ /* size of string assuming the worst case, that every character must be escaped. */ PG_RB_STR_ENSURE_CAPA( *intermediate, strlen * 2, current_out, end_capa_ptr ); /* Place the unescaped string at current output position. */ strlen = enc_func(p_elem_coder, entry, current_out, &subint, enc_idx); ptr1 = current_out; ptr2 = current_out + strlen; /* count required backlashs */ for(backslashs = 0; ptr1 != ptr2; ptr1++) { /* Escape backslash itself, newline, carriage return, and the current delimiter character. */ if(*ptr1 == '\\' || *ptr1 == '\n' || *ptr1 == '\r' || *ptr1 == this->delimiter){ backslashs++; } } ptr1 = current_out + strlen; ptr2 = current_out + strlen + backslashs; current_out = ptr2; /* Then store the escaped string on the final position, walking * right to left, until all backslashs are placed. */ while( ptr1 != ptr2 ) { *--ptr2 = *--ptr1; if(*ptr1 == '\\' || *ptr1 == '\n' || *ptr1 == '\r' || *ptr1 == this->delimiter){ *--ptr2 = '\\'; } } } } } PG_RB_STR_ENSURE_CAPA( *intermediate, 1, current_out, end_capa_ptr ); *current_out++ = '\n'; rb_str_set_len( *intermediate, current_out - RSTRING_PTR(*intermediate) ); return -1; } /* * Return decimal value for a hexadecimal digit */ static int GetDecimalFromHex(char hex) { if (hex >= '0' && hex <= '9') return hex - '0'; else if (hex >= 'a' && hex <= 'f') return hex - 'a' + 10; else if (hex >= 'A' && hex <= 'F') return hex - 'A' + 10; else return -1; } /* * Document-class: PG::TextDecoder::CopyRow < PG::CopyDecoder * * This class decodes one row of arbitrary columns received as COPY data in text format. * See the {COPY command}[http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/sql-copy.html] * for description of the format. * * It is intended to be used in conjunction with PG::Connection#get_copy_data . * * The columns are retrieved as Array of values. The single values are decoded as defined * in the assigned #type_map. If no type_map was assigned, all values are converted to * strings by PG::TextDecoder::String. * * Example with default type map ( TypeMapAllStrings ): * conn.exec("CREATE TABLE my_table AS VALUES('astring', 7, FALSE), ('string2', 42, TRUE) ") * * deco = PG::TextDecoder::CopyRow.new * conn.copy_data "COPY my_table TO STDOUT", deco do * while row=conn.get_copy_data * p row * end * end * This prints all rows of +my_table+ : * ["astring", "7", "f"] * ["string2", "42", "t"] * * Example with column based type map: * tm = PG::TypeMapByColumn.new( [ * PG::TextDecoder::String.new, * PG::TextDecoder::Integer.new, * PG::TextDecoder::Boolean.new] ) * deco = PG::TextDecoder::CopyRow.new( type_map: tm ) * conn.copy_data "COPY my_table TO STDOUT", deco do * while row=conn.get_copy_data * p row * end * end * This prints the rows with type casted columns: * ["astring", 7, false] * ["string2", 42, true] * * Instead of manually assigning a type decoder for each column, PG::BasicTypeMapForResults * can be used to assign them based on the table OIDs. * * See also PG::TextEncoder::CopyRow for the encoding direction with * PG::Connection#put_copy_data . */ /* * Parse the current line into separate attributes (fields), * performing de-escaping as needed. * * All fields are gathered into a ruby Array. The de-escaped field data is written * into to a ruby String. This object is reused for non string columns. * For String columns the field value is directly used as return value and no * reuse of the memory is done. * * The parser is thankfully borrowed from the PostgreSQL sources: * src/backend/commands/copy.c */ static VALUE pg_text_dec_copy_row(t_pg_coder *conv, char *input_line, int len, int _tuple, int _field, int enc_idx) { t_pg_copycoder *this = (t_pg_copycoder *)conv; /* Return value: array */ VALUE array; /* Current field */ VALUE field_str; char delimc = this->delimiter; int fieldno; int expected_fields; char *output_ptr; char *cur_ptr; char *line_end_ptr; char *end_capa_ptr; t_typemap *p_typemap; p_typemap = DATA_PTR( this->typemap ); expected_fields = p_typemap->funcs.fit_to_copy_get( this->typemap ); /* The received input string will probably have this->nfields fields. */ array = rb_ary_new2(expected_fields); /* Allocate a new string with embedded capacity and realloc later with * exponential growing size when needed. */ PG_RB_TAINTED_STR_NEW( field_str, output_ptr, end_capa_ptr ); /* set pointer variables for loop */ cur_ptr = input_line; line_end_ptr = input_line + len; /* Outer loop iterates over fields */ fieldno = 0; for (;;) { int found_delim = 0; char *start_ptr; char *end_ptr; int input_len; /* Remember start of field on input side */ start_ptr = cur_ptr; /* * Scan data for field. * * Note that in this loop, we are scanning to locate the end of field * and also speculatively performing de-escaping. Once we find the * end-of-field, we can match the raw field contents against the null * marker string. Only after that comparison fails do we know that * de-escaping is actually the right thing to do; therefore we *must * not* throw any syntax errors before we've done the null-marker * check. */ for (;;) { /* The current character in the input string. */ char c; end_ptr = cur_ptr; if (cur_ptr >= line_end_ptr) break; c = *cur_ptr++; if (c == delimc){ found_delim = 1; break; } if (c == '\n'){ break; } if (c == '\\'){ if (cur_ptr >= line_end_ptr) break; c = *cur_ptr++; switch (c){ case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': { /* handle \013 */ int val; val = OCTVALUE(c); if (cur_ptr < line_end_ptr) { c = *cur_ptr; if (ISOCTAL(c)) { cur_ptr++; val = (val << 3) + OCTVALUE(c); if (cur_ptr < line_end_ptr) { c = *cur_ptr; if (ISOCTAL(c)) { cur_ptr++; val = (val << 3) + OCTVALUE(c); } } } } c = val & 0377; } break; case 'x': /* Handle \x3F */ if (cur_ptr < line_end_ptr) { char hexchar = *cur_ptr; int val = GetDecimalFromHex(hexchar);; if (val >= 0) { cur_ptr++; if (cur_ptr < line_end_ptr) { int val2; hexchar = *cur_ptr; val2 = GetDecimalFromHex(hexchar); if (val2 >= 0) { cur_ptr++; val = (val << 4) + val2; } } c = val & 0xff; } } break; case 'b': c = '\b'; break; case 'f': c = '\f'; break; case 'n': c = '\n'; break; case 'r': c = '\r'; break; case 't': c = '\t'; break; case 'v': c = '\v'; break; /* * in all other cases, take the char after '\' * literally */ } } PG_RB_STR_ENSURE_CAPA( field_str, 1, output_ptr, end_capa_ptr ); /* Add c to output string */ *output_ptr++ = c; } if (!found_delim && cur_ptr < line_end_ptr) rb_raise( rb_eArgError, "trailing data after linefeed at position: %ld", (long)(cur_ptr - input_line) + 1 ); /* Check whether raw input matched null marker */ input_len = end_ptr - start_ptr; if (input_len == RSTRING_LEN(this->null_string) && strncmp(start_ptr, RSTRING_PTR(this->null_string), input_len) == 0) { rb_ary_push(array, Qnil); } else { VALUE field_value; rb_str_set_len( field_str, output_ptr - RSTRING_PTR(field_str) ); field_value = p_typemap->funcs.typecast_copy_get( p_typemap, field_str, fieldno, 0, enc_idx ); rb_ary_push(array, field_value); if( field_value == field_str ){ /* Our output string will be send to the user, so we can not reuse * it for the next field. */ PG_RB_TAINTED_STR_NEW( field_str, output_ptr, end_capa_ptr ); } } /* Reset the pointer to the start of the output/buffer string. */ output_ptr = RSTRING_PTR(field_str); fieldno++; /* Done if we hit EOL instead of a delim */ if (!found_delim) break; } return array; } void init_pg_copycoder() { /* Document-class: PG::CopyCoder < PG::Coder * * This is the base class for all type cast classes for COPY data, */ rb_cPG_CopyCoder = rb_define_class_under( rb_mPG, "CopyCoder", rb_cPG_Coder ); rb_define_method( rb_cPG_CopyCoder, "type_map=", pg_copycoder_type_map_set, 1 ); rb_define_method( rb_cPG_CopyCoder, "type_map", pg_copycoder_type_map_get, 0 ); rb_define_method( rb_cPG_CopyCoder, "delimiter=", pg_copycoder_delimiter_set, 1 ); rb_define_method( rb_cPG_CopyCoder, "delimiter", pg_copycoder_delimiter_get, 0 ); rb_define_method( rb_cPG_CopyCoder, "null_string=", pg_copycoder_null_string_set, 1 ); rb_define_method( rb_cPG_CopyCoder, "null_string", pg_copycoder_null_string_get, 0 ); /* Document-class: PG::CopyEncoder < PG::CopyCoder */ rb_cPG_CopyEncoder = rb_define_class_under( rb_mPG, "CopyEncoder", rb_cPG_CopyCoder ); rb_define_alloc_func( rb_cPG_CopyEncoder, pg_copycoder_encoder_allocate ); /* Document-class: PG::CopyDecoder < PG::CopyCoder */ rb_cPG_CopyDecoder = rb_define_class_under( rb_mPG, "CopyDecoder", rb_cPG_CopyCoder ); rb_define_alloc_func( rb_cPG_CopyDecoder, pg_copycoder_decoder_allocate ); /* Make RDoc aware of the encoder classes... */ /* rb_mPG_TextEncoder = rb_define_module_under( rb_mPG, "TextEncoder" ); */ /* dummy = rb_define_class_under( rb_mPG_TextEncoder, "CopyRow", rb_cPG_CopyEncoder ); */ pg_define_coder( "CopyRow", pg_text_enc_copy_row, rb_cPG_CopyEncoder, rb_mPG_TextEncoder ); /* rb_mPG_TextDecoder = rb_define_module_under( rb_mPG, "TextDecoder" ); */ /* dummy = rb_define_class_under( rb_mPG_TextDecoder, "CopyRow", rb_cPG_CopyDecoder ); */ pg_define_coder( "CopyRow", pg_text_dec_copy_row, rb_cPG_CopyDecoder, rb_mPG_TextDecoder ); }