/* * pg_text_decoder.c - PG::TextDecoder module * $Id: pg_text_decoder.c,v fcf731d3dff7 2015/09/08 12:25:06 jfali $ * */ /* * * Type casts for decoding PostgreSQL string representations to Ruby objects. * * Decoder classes are defined with pg_define_coder(). This creates a new coder class and * assigns a decoder function. * * Signature of all type cast decoders is: * VALUE decoder_function(t_pg_coder *this, char *val, int len, int tuple, int field, int enc_idx) * * Params: * this - The data part of the coder object that belongs to the decoder function. * val, len - The text or binary data to decode. The caller ensures, that the data is * zero terminated ( that is val[len] = 0 ). The memory should be used read * only by the callee. * tuple - Row of the value within the result set. * field - Column of the value within the result set. * enc_idx - Index of the Encoding that any output String should get assigned. * * Returns: * The type casted Ruby object. * */ #include "pg.h" #include "util.h" #ifdef HAVE_INTTYPES_H #include #endif VALUE rb_mPG_TextDecoder; static ID s_id_decode; /* * Document-class: PG::TextDecoder::Boolean < PG::SimpleDecoder * * This is a decoder class for conversion of PostgreSQL boolean type * to Ruby true or false values. * */ static VALUE pg_text_dec_boolean(t_pg_coder *conv, char *val, int len, int tuple, int field, int enc_idx) { if (len < 1) { rb_raise( rb_eTypeError, "wrong data for text boolean converter in tuple %d field %d", tuple, field); } return *val == 't' ? Qtrue : Qfalse; } /* * Document-class: PG::TextDecoder::String < PG::SimpleDecoder * * This is a decoder class for conversion of PostgreSQL text output to * to Ruby String object. The output value will have the character encoding * set with PG::Connection#internal_encoding= . * */ VALUE pg_text_dec_string(t_pg_coder *conv, char *val, int len, int tuple, int field, int enc_idx) { VALUE ret = rb_tainted_str_new( val, len ); PG_ENCODING_SET_NOCHECK( ret, enc_idx ); return ret; } /* * Document-class: PG::TextDecoder::Integer < PG::SimpleDecoder * * This is a decoder class for conversion of PostgreSQL integer types * to Ruby Integer objects. * */ static VALUE pg_text_dec_integer(t_pg_coder *conv, char *val, int len, int tuple, int field, int enc_idx) { long i; int max_len; if( sizeof(i) >= 8 && FIXNUM_MAX >= 1000000000000000000LL ){ /* 64 bit system can safely handle all numbers up to 18 digits as Fixnum */ max_len = 18; } else if( sizeof(i) >= 4 && FIXNUM_MAX >= 1000000000LL ){ /* 32 bit system can safely handle all numbers up to 9 digits as Fixnum */ max_len = 9; } else { /* unknown -> don't use fast path for int conversion */ max_len = 0; } if( len <= max_len ){ /* rb_cstr2inum() seems to be slow, so we do the int conversion by hand. * This proved to be 40% faster by the following benchmark: * * conn.type_mapping_for_results = PG::BasicTypeMapForResults.new conn * Benchmark.measure do * conn.exec("select generate_series(1,1000000)").values } * end */ char *val_pos = val; char digit = *val_pos; int neg; int error = 0; if( digit=='-' ){ neg = 1; i = 0; }else if( digit>='0' && digit<='9' ){ neg = 0; i = digit - '0'; } else { error = 1; } while (!error && (digit=*++val_pos)) { if( digit>='0' && digit<='9' ){ i = i * 10 + (digit - '0'); } else { error = 1; } } if( !error ){ return LONG2FIX(neg ? -i : i); } } /* Fallback to ruby method if number too big or unrecognized. */ return rb_cstr2inum(val, 10); } /* * Document-class: PG::TextDecoder::Float < PG::SimpleDecoder * * This is a decoder class for conversion of PostgreSQL float4 and float8 types * to Ruby Float objects. * */ static VALUE pg_text_dec_float(t_pg_coder *conv, char *val, int len, int tuple, int field, int enc_idx) { return rb_float_new(strtod(val, NULL)); } /* * Document-class: PG::TextDecoder::Bytea < PG::SimpleDecoder * * This is a decoder class for conversion of PostgreSQL bytea type * to binary String objects. * */ static VALUE pg_text_dec_bytea(t_pg_coder *conv, char *val, int len, int tuple, int field, int enc_idx) { unsigned char *to; size_t to_len; VALUE ret; to = PQunescapeBytea( (unsigned char *)val, &to_len); ret = rb_tainted_str_new((char*)to, to_len); PQfreemem(to); return ret; } /* * Array parser functions are thankfully borrowed from here: * https://github.com/dockyard/pg_array_parser */ static VALUE read_array(t_pg_composite_coder *this, int *index, char *c_pg_array_string, int array_string_length, char *word, int enc_idx, int tuple, int field, t_pg_coder_dec_func dec_func) { /* Return value: array */ VALUE array; int word_index = 0; /* The current character in the input string. */ char c; /* 0: Currently outside a quoted string, current word never quoted * 1: Currently inside a quoted string * -1: Currently outside a quoted string, current word previously quoted */ int openQuote = 0; /* Inside quoted input means the next character should be treated literally, * instead of being treated as a metacharacter. * Outside of quoted input, means that the word shouldn't be pushed to the array, * used when the last entry was a subarray (which adds to the array itself). */ int escapeNext = 0; array = rb_ary_new(); /* Special case the empty array, so it doesn't need to be handled manually inside * the loop. */ if(((*index) < array_string_length) && c_pg_array_string[(*index)] == '}') { return array; } for(;(*index) < array_string_length; ++(*index)) { c = c_pg_array_string[*index]; if(openQuote < 1) { if(c == this->delimiter || c == '}') { if(!escapeNext) { if(openQuote == 0 && word_index == 4 && !strncmp(word, "NULL", word_index)) { rb_ary_push(array, Qnil); } else { VALUE val; word[word_index] = 0; val = dec_func(this->elem, word, word_index, tuple, field, enc_idx); rb_ary_push(array, val); } } if(c == '}') { return array; } escapeNext = 0; openQuote = 0; word_index = 0; } else if(c == '"') { openQuote = 1; } else if(c == '{') { (*index)++; rb_ary_push(array, read_array(this, index, c_pg_array_string, array_string_length, word, enc_idx, tuple, field, dec_func)); escapeNext = 1; } else { word[word_index] = c; word_index++; } } else if (escapeNext) { word[word_index] = c; word_index++; escapeNext = 0; } else if (c == '\\') { escapeNext = 1; } else if (c == '"') { openQuote = -1; } else { word[word_index] = c; word_index++; } } return array; } /* * Document-class: PG::TextDecoder::Array < PG::CompositeDecoder * * This is the decoder class for PostgreSQL array types. * * All values are decoded according to the #elements_type * accessor. Sub-arrays are decoded recursively. * */ static VALUE pg_text_dec_array(t_pg_coder *conv, char *val, int len, int tuple, int field, int enc_idx) { t_pg_composite_coder *this = (t_pg_composite_coder *)conv; t_pg_coder_dec_func dec_func = pg_coder_dec_func(this->elem, 0); /* create a buffer of the same length, as that will be the worst case */ char *word = xmalloc(len + 1); int index = 1; VALUE return_value = read_array(this, &index, val, len, word, enc_idx, tuple, field, dec_func); free(word); return return_value; } /* * Document-class: PG::TextDecoder::Identifier < PG::SimpleDecoder * * This is the decoder class for PostgreSQL identifiers. * * Returns an Array of identifiers: * PG::TextDecoder::Identifier.new.decode('schema."table"."column"') * => ["schema", "table", "column"] * */ static VALUE pg_text_dec_identifier(t_pg_coder *conv, char *val, int len, int tuple, int field, int enc_idx) { /* Return value: array */ VALUE array; VALUE elem; int word_index = 0; int index; /* Use a buffer of the same length, as that will be the worst case */ PG_VARIABLE_LENGTH_ARRAY(char, word, len + 1, NAMEDATALEN) /* The current character in the input string. */ char c; /* 0: Currently outside a quoted string * 1: Currently inside a quoted string, last char was a quote * 2: Currently inside a quoted string, last char was no quote */ int openQuote = 0; array = rb_ary_new(); for(index = 0; index < len; ++index) { c = val[index]; if(c == '.' && openQuote < 2 ) { word[word_index] = 0; elem = pg_text_dec_string(conv, word, word_index, tuple, field, enc_idx); rb_ary_push(array, elem); openQuote = 0; word_index = 0; } else if(c == '"') { if (openQuote == 1) { word[word_index] = c; word_index++; openQuote = 2; } else if (openQuote == 2){ openQuote = 1; } else { openQuote = 2; } } else { word[word_index] = c; word_index++; } } word[word_index] = 0; elem = pg_text_dec_string(conv, word, word_index, tuple, field, enc_idx); rb_ary_push(array, elem); return array; } /* * Document-class: PG::TextDecoder::FromBase64 < PG::CompositeDecoder * * This is a decoder class for conversion of base64 encoded data * to it's binary representation. It outputs a binary Ruby String * or some other Ruby object, if a #elements_type decoder was defined. * */ static VALUE pg_text_dec_from_base64(t_pg_coder *conv, char *val, int len, int tuple, int field, int enc_idx) { t_pg_composite_coder *this = (t_pg_composite_coder *)conv; t_pg_coder_dec_func dec_func = pg_coder_dec_func(this->elem, this->comp.format); int decoded_len; /* create a buffer of the expected decoded length */ VALUE out_value = rb_tainted_str_new(NULL, BASE64_DECODED_SIZE(len)); decoded_len = base64_decode( RSTRING_PTR(out_value), val, len ); rb_str_set_len(out_value, decoded_len); /* Is it a pure String conversion? Then we can directly send out_value to the user. */ if( this->comp.format == 0 && dec_func == pg_text_dec_string ){ PG_ENCODING_SET_NOCHECK( out_value, enc_idx ); return out_value; } if( this->comp.format == 1 && dec_func == pg_bin_dec_bytea ){ PG_ENCODING_SET_NOCHECK( out_value, rb_ascii8bit_encindex() ); return out_value; } out_value = dec_func(this->elem, RSTRING_PTR(out_value), decoded_len, tuple, field, enc_idx); return out_value; } void init_pg_text_decoder() { s_id_decode = rb_intern("decode"); /* This module encapsulates all decoder classes with text input format */ rb_mPG_TextDecoder = rb_define_module_under( rb_mPG, "TextDecoder" ); /* Make RDoc aware of the decoder classes... */ /* dummy = rb_define_class_under( rb_mPG_TextDecoder, "Boolean", rb_cPG_SimpleDecoder ); */ pg_define_coder( "Boolean", pg_text_dec_boolean, rb_cPG_SimpleDecoder, rb_mPG_TextDecoder ); /* dummy = rb_define_class_under( rb_mPG_TextDecoder, "Integer", rb_cPG_SimpleDecoder ); */ pg_define_coder( "Integer", pg_text_dec_integer, rb_cPG_SimpleDecoder, rb_mPG_TextDecoder ); /* dummy = rb_define_class_under( rb_mPG_TextDecoder, "Float", rb_cPG_SimpleDecoder ); */ pg_define_coder( "Float", pg_text_dec_float, rb_cPG_SimpleDecoder, rb_mPG_TextDecoder ); /* dummy = rb_define_class_under( rb_mPG_TextDecoder, "String", rb_cPG_SimpleDecoder ); */ pg_define_coder( "String", pg_text_dec_string, rb_cPG_SimpleDecoder, rb_mPG_TextDecoder ); /* dummy = rb_define_class_under( rb_mPG_TextDecoder, "Bytea", rb_cPG_SimpleDecoder ); */ pg_define_coder( "Bytea", pg_text_dec_bytea, rb_cPG_SimpleDecoder, rb_mPG_TextDecoder ); /* dummy = rb_define_class_under( rb_mPG_TextDecoder, "Identifier", rb_cPG_SimpleDecoder ); */ pg_define_coder( "Identifier", pg_text_dec_identifier, rb_cPG_SimpleDecoder, rb_mPG_TextDecoder ); /* dummy = rb_define_class_under( rb_mPG_TextDecoder, "Array", rb_cPG_CompositeDecoder ); */ pg_define_coder( "Array", pg_text_dec_array, rb_cPG_CompositeDecoder, rb_mPG_TextDecoder ); /* dummy = rb_define_class_under( rb_mPG_TextDecoder, "FromBase64", rb_cPG_CompositeDecoder ); */ pg_define_coder( "FromBase64", pg_text_dec_from_base64, rb_cPG_CompositeDecoder, rb_mPG_TextDecoder ); }