#!/usr/bin/env ruby begin require 'pg_ext' rescue LoadError # If it's a Windows binary gem, try the <major>.<minor> subdirectory if RUBY_PLATFORM =~/(mswin|mingw)/i major_minor = RUBY_VERSION[ /^(\d+\.\d+)/ ] or raise "Oops, can't extract the major/minor version from #{RUBY_VERSION.dump}" add_dll_path = proc do |path, &block| begin require 'ruby_installer' RubyInstaller.add_dll_directory(path, &block) rescue LoadError old_path = ENV['PATH'] ENV['PATH'] = "#{path};#{old_path}" block.call ENV['PATH'] = old_path end end # Temporary add this directory for DLL search, so that libpq.dll can be found. add_dll_path.call(__dir__) do require "#{major_minor}/pg_ext" end else raise end end # The top-level PG namespace. module PG # Library version VERSION = '0.20.0' # VCS revision REVISION = %q$Revision: 838985377b48 $ class NotAllCopyDataRetrieved < PG::Error end ### Get the PG library version. If +include_buildnum+ is +true+, include the build ID. def self::version_string( include_buildnum=false ) vstring = "%s %s" % [ self.name, VERSION ] vstring << " (build %s)" % [ REVISION[/: ([[:xdigit:]]+)/, 1] || '0' ] if include_buildnum return vstring end ### Convenience alias for PG::Connection.new. def self::connect( *args ) return PG::Connection.new( *args ) end require 'pg/exceptions' require 'pg/constants' require 'pg/coder' require 'pg/text_encoder' require 'pg/text_decoder' require 'pg/basic_type_mapping' require 'pg/type_map_by_column' require 'pg/connection' require 'pg/result' end # module PG # Backward-compatible aliase PGError = PG::Error