## v0.2.1 * Gem 'bootstrap_navbar' was renamed to 'bootstrap-navbar' ## v0.2.0 * Use gem 'bootstrap_navbar' for HTML rendering ## v0.1.0 * Initial release ## v0.1.1.beta Added 2 new methods: * drop_down_divider * drop_down_header These allow you to add dividers and headers into your dropdowns. Surprisingly enough... ## v0.1.2.beta * Allow options for menu_items to pass through to link_to, so that you can set IDs, classes, method, data-tags etc. ## v0.1.3.beta * Made the menu_text feature work properly (it was missing a css class). Also added the ability to pull it left or right. ## v0.1.4.beta * Added ability to change the link for the brand text ## v0.1.5.beta * Minor fix - make menu_item link default to "#" * Readme updates