# Contributing to SSHKit * Use [Stack Overflow][so] for Capistrano-related how-to questions and support * [**Don't** push your pull request](http://www.igvita.com/2011/12/19/dont-push-your-pull-requests/) * [**Do** write a good commit message](http://365git.tumblr.com/post/3308646748/writing-git-commit-messages) ## Getting help Most users encounter SSHKit primarily by using Capistrano. If you have a question about using SSHKit in context of Capistrano, please use the [capistrano tag on Stack Overflow][so]. If you are using SSHKit directly, or if you think you've found a bug in SSHKit, please open a [GitHub issue](https://github.com/capistrano/sshkit/issues). [so]: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/capistrano ## Ruby versions You can see the current ruby versions we support in [.travis.yml](.travis.yml). Obviously, any language features you use must be available in the oldest version we support. Therefore, it's often helpful to develop / test against the oldest version to avoid accidentally using unsupported features. ## Tests SSHKit has a unit test suite and a functional test suite. Some functional tests run against [Vagrant](https://www.vagrantup.com/) VMs. If possible, you should make sure that the tests pass for each commit by running `rake` in the sshkit directory. This is in case we need to cherry pick commits or rebase. You should ensure the tests pass, (preferably on the minimum and maximum ruby version), before creating a PR. Pull requests are much more likely to be accepted if you write a tests for the new functionality you are adding. If you are fixing a bug, it would be great if you could add a test to expose the bug you are fixing to show that the behaviour is fixed by your changes. We use [Travis CI](https://travis-ci.org/capistrano/sshkit) to run the tests on different ruby versions. **The Travis build does not run the functional tests, so make sure all the tests pass locally before creating your PR.** ## Coding guidelines This project uses [RuboCop](https://github.com/bbatsov/rubocop) to enforce standard Ruby coding guidelines. Currently we run RuboCop's lint rules only, which check for readability issues like indentation, ambiguity, and useless/unreachable code. * Test that your contributions pass with `rake lint` * The linter is also run as part of the full test suite with `rake` * Note the Travis build will fail and your PR cannot be merged if the linter finds errors ## Changelog Most changes should have an accompanying entry in the [CHANGELOG](CHANGELOG.md), unless they are minor documentation / config changes. This is incredibly important so that our users can see the affect of new versions without having to trawl through the commits. ## Breaking changes We adhere to [semver](http://semver.org/) so breaking changes will require a major release. For breaking changes, it would normally be helpful to discuss them by raising a 'Proposal' issue or PR with examples of the new API you're proposing [before doing a lot of work](https://www.igvita.com/2011/12/19/dont-push-your-pull-requests/). Bear in mind that breaking changes may require many hundreds / thousands of users to update their code. You can use the [BREAKING_API_WISHLIST](BREAKING_API_WISHLIST.md) to record issues / PRs where API changes have been discussed, and not implemented.