module TZInfo
  # Represents an offset defined in a Timezone data file.
  class TimezoneOffset
    # The base offset of the timezone from UTC in seconds. This does not include
    # any adjustment made for daylight savings time and will typically remain
    # constant throughout the year.
    # To obtain the currently observed offset from UTC, including the effect of
    # daylight savings time, use utc_total_offset instead.
    # Note that zoneinfo files only include the value of utc_total_offset and a
    # DST flag. When using ZoneinfoDataSource, the utc_offset will be derived
    # from changes to the UTC total offset and the DST flag. As a consequence,
    # utc_total_offset will always be correct, but utc_offset may be inaccurate.
    # If you require utc_offset to be accurate, install the tzinfo-data gem and
    # set RubyDataSource as the DataSource.
    attr_reader :utc_offset
    # The offset from the time zone's standard time in seconds. Zero
    # when daylight savings time is not in effect. Non-zero (usually 3600 = 1
    # hour) if daylight savings is being observed.
    # Note that zoneinfo files only include the value of utc_total_offset and
    # a DST flag. When using DataSources::ZoneinfoDataSource, the std_offset
    # will be derived from changes to the UTC total offset and the DST flag. As
    # a consequence, utc_total_offset will always be correct, but std_offset
    # may be inaccurate.
    # If you require std_offset to be accurate, install the tzinfo-data gem
    # and set RubyDataSource as the DataSource.
    attr_reader :std_offset
    # The total offset of this observance from UTC in seconds 
    # (utc_offset + std_offset).
    attr_reader :utc_total_offset
    # The abbreviation that identifies this observance, e.g. "GMT" 
    # (Greenwich Mean Time) or "BST" (British Summer Time) for "Europe/London". The returned identifier is a 
    # symbol.
    attr_reader :abbreviation
    # Constructs a new TimezoneOffset. utc_offset and std_offset are specified 
    # in seconds.
    def initialize(utc_offset, std_offset, abbreviation)
      @utc_offset = utc_offset
      @std_offset = std_offset      
      @abbreviation = abbreviation
      @utc_total_offset = @utc_offset + @std_offset
    # True if std_offset is non-zero.
    def dst?
      @std_offset != 0
    # Converts a UTC Time, DateTime or integer timestamp to local time, based on 
    # the offset of this period.
    # Deprecation warning: this method will be removed in TZInfo version 2.0.0.
    def to_local(utc)
      TimeOrDateTime.wrap(utc) {|wrapped|
        wrapped + @utc_total_offset
    # Converts a local Time, DateTime or integer timestamp to UTC, based on the
    # offset of this period.
    # Deprecation warning: this method will be removed in TZInfo version 2.0.0.
    def to_utc(local)
      TimeOrDateTime.wrap(local) {|wrapped|
        wrapped - @utc_total_offset
    # Returns true if and only if toi has the same utc_offset, std_offset
    # and abbreviation as this TimezoneOffset.
    def ==(toi)
      toi.kind_of?(TimezoneOffset) &&
        utc_offset == toi.utc_offset && std_offset == toi.std_offset && abbreviation == toi.abbreviation
    # Returns true if and only if toi has the same utc_offset, std_offset
    # and abbreviation as this TimezoneOffset.
    def eql?(toi)
      self == toi
    # Returns a hash of this TimezoneOffset.
    def hash
      utc_offset.hash ^ std_offset.hash ^ abbreviation.hash
    # Returns internal object state as a programmer-readable string.
    def inspect
      "#<#{self.class}: #@utc_offset,#@std_offset,#@abbreviation>"