module MessagePack
  # MessagePack::Factory is a class to generate Packer and Unpacker which has
  # same set of ext types.
  class Factory
    # Creates a MessagePack::Factory instance
    def initialize

    # Creates a MessagePack::Packer instance, which has ext types already registered.
    # Options are passed to MessagePack::Packer#initialized.
    # See also Packer#initialize for options.
    def packer(*args)

    # Serialize the passed value
    # If it could not serialize the object, it raises
    # NoMethodError: undefined method `to_msgpack' for #<the_object>.
    # @param obj [Object] object to serialize
    # @param options [Hash]
    # @return [String] serialized object
    # See Packer#initialize for supported options.
    def dump(obj, options={})
    alias pack dump

    # Creates a MessagePack::Unpacker instance, which has ext types already registered.
    # Options are passed to MessagePack::Unpacker#initialized.
    # See also Unpacker#initialize for options.
    def unpacker(*args)

    # Deserializes an object from the string or io and returns it.
    # If there're not enough data to deserialize one object, this method raises EOFError.
    # If data format is invalid, this method raises MessagePack::MalformedFormatError.
    # If the object nests too deeply, this method raises MessagePack::StackError.
    # @param data [String]
    # @param options [Hash]
    # @return [Object] deserialized object
    # See Unpacker#initialize for supported options.
    def load(data, options={})
    alias unpack load

    # Register a type and Class to be registered for packer and/or unpacker.
    # If options are not speicified, factory will use :to_msgpack_ext for packer, and
    # :from_msgpack_ext for unpacker.
    # @param type [Fixnum] type id of registered Class (0-127)
    # @param klass [Class] Class to be associated with type id
    # @param options [Hash] specify method name or Proc which are used by packer/unpacker
    # @return nil
    # Supported options:
    # * *:packer* specify symbol or proc object for packer
    # * *:unpacker* specify symbol or proc object for unpacker
    def register_type(type, klass, options={})

    # Returns a list of registered types, ordered by type id.
    # @param selector [Symbol] specify to list types registered for :packer, :unpacker or :both (default)
    # @return Array
    def registered_types(selector=:both)

    # Returns true/false which indicate specified class or type id is registered or not.
    # @param klass_or_type [Class or Fixnum] Class or type id (0-127) to be checked
    # @param selector [Symbol] specify to check for :packer, :unpacker or :both (default)
    # @return true or false
    def type_registered?(klass_or_type, selector=:both)