#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'pg' unless defined?( PG ) require 'uri' # The PostgreSQL connection class. The interface for this class is based on # {libpq}[http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.2/interactive/libpq.html], the C # application programmer's interface to PostgreSQL. Some familiarity with libpq # is recommended, but not necessary. # # For example, to send query to the database on the localhost: # # require 'pg' # conn = PG::Connection.open(:dbname => 'test') # res = conn.exec_params('SELECT $1 AS a, $2 AS b, $3 AS c', [1, 2, nil]) # # Equivalent to: # # res = conn.exec('SELECT 1 AS a, 2 AS b, NULL AS c') # # See the PG::Result class for information on working with the results of a query. # class PG::Connection # The order the options are passed to the ::connect method. CONNECT_ARGUMENT_ORDER = %w[host port options tty dbname user password] ### Quote the given +value+ for use in a connection-parameter string. def self::quote_connstr( value ) return "'" + value.to_s.gsub( /[\\']/ ) {|m| '\\' + m } + "'" end ### Parse the connection +args+ into a connection-parameter string. See PG::Connection.new ### for valid arguments. def self::parse_connect_args( *args ) return '' if args.empty? hash_arg = args.last.is_a?( Hash ) ? args.pop : {} option_string = '' options = {} # Parameter 'fallback_application_name' was introduced in PostgreSQL 9.0 # together with PQescapeLiteral(). if PG::Connection.instance_methods.find {|m| m.to_sym == :escape_literal } options[:fallback_application_name] = $0.sub( /^(.{30}).{4,}(.{30})$/ ){ $1+"..."+$2 } end if args.length == 1 case args.first when URI, URI.regexp uri = URI(args.first) options.merge!( Hash[URI.decode_www_form( uri.query )] ) if uri.query when /=/ # Option string style option_string = args.first.to_s else # Positional parameters options[CONNECT_ARGUMENT_ORDER.first.to_sym] = args.first end else max = CONNECT_ARGUMENT_ORDER.length raise ArgumentError, "Extra positional parameter %d: %p" % [ max + 1, args[max] ] if args.length > max CONNECT_ARGUMENT_ORDER.zip( args ) do |(k,v)| options[ k.to_sym ] = v if v end end options.merge!( hash_arg ) if uri uri.host = nil if options[:host] uri.port = nil if options[:port] uri.user = nil if options[:user] uri.password = nil if options[:password] uri.path = '' if options[:dbname] uri.query = URI.encode_www_form( options ) return uri.to_s.sub( /^#{uri.scheme}:(?!\/\/)/, "#{uri.scheme}://" ) else option_string += ' ' unless option_string.empty? && options.empty? return option_string + options.map { |k,v| "#{k}=#{quote_connstr(v)}" }.join( ' ' ) end end # call-seq: # conn.copy_data( sql ) {|sql_result| ... } -> PG::Result # # Execute a copy process for transfering data to or from the server. # # This issues the SQL COPY command via #exec. The response to this # (if there is no error in the command) is a PG::Result object that # is passed to the block, bearing a status code of PGRES_COPY_OUT or # PGRES_COPY_IN (depending on the specified copy direction). # The application should then use #put_copy_data or #get_copy_data # to receive or transmit data rows and should return from the block # when finished. # # #copy_data returns another PG::Result object when the data transfer # is complete. An exception is raised if some problem was encountered, # so it isn't required to make use of any of them. # At this point further SQL commands can be issued via #exec. # (It is not possible to execute other SQL commands using the same # connection while the COPY operation is in progress.) # # This method ensures, that the copy process is properly terminated # in case of client side or server side failures. Therefore, in case # of blocking mode of operation, #copy_data is preferred to raw calls # of #put_copy_data, #get_copy_data and #put_copy_end. # # Example with CSV input format: # conn.exec "create table my_table (a text,b text,c text,d text)" # conn.copy_data "COPY my_table FROM STDIN CSV" do # conn.put_copy_data "some,data,to,copy\n" # conn.put_copy_data "more,data,to,copy\n" # end # This creates +my_table+ and inserts two CSV rows. # # The same with text format encoder PG::TextEncoder::CopyRow # and Array input: # enco = PG::TextEncoder::CopyRow.new # conn.copy_data "COPY my_table FROM STDIN", enco do # conn.put_copy_data ['some', 'data', 'to', 'copy'] # conn.put_copy_data ['more', 'data', 'to', 'copy'] # end # # Example with CSV output format: # conn.copy_data "COPY my_table TO STDOUT CSV" do # while row=conn.get_copy_data # p row # end # end # This prints all rows of +my_table+ to stdout: # "some,data,to,copy\n" # "more,data,to,copy\n" # # The same with text format decoder PG::TextDecoder::CopyRow # and Array output: # deco = PG::TextDecoder::CopyRow.new # conn.copy_data "COPY my_table TO STDOUT", deco do # while row=conn.get_copy_data # p row # end # end # This receives all rows of +my_table+ as ruby array: # ["some", "data", "to", "copy"] # ["more", "data", "to", "copy"] def copy_data( sql, coder=nil ) res = exec( sql ) case res.result_status when PGRES_COPY_IN begin if coder old_coder = self.encoder_for_put_copy_data self.encoder_for_put_copy_data = coder end yield res rescue Exception => err errmsg = "%s while copy data: %s" % [ err.class.name, err.message ] put_copy_end( errmsg ) get_result raise else put_copy_end get_last_result ensure self.encoder_for_put_copy_data = old_coder if coder end when PGRES_COPY_OUT begin if coder old_coder = self.decoder_for_get_copy_data self.decoder_for_get_copy_data = coder end yield res rescue Exception => err cancel while get_copy_data end while get_result end raise else res = get_last_result if !res || res.result_status != PGRES_COMMAND_OK while get_copy_data end while get_result end raise PG::NotAllCopyDataRetrieved, "Not all COPY data retrieved" end res ensure self.decoder_for_get_copy_data = old_coder if coder end else raise ArgumentError, "SQL command is no COPY statement: #{sql}" end end # Backward-compatibility aliases for stuff that's moved into PG. class << self define_method( :isthreadsafe, &PG.method(:isthreadsafe) ) end ### Returns an array of Hashes with connection defaults. See ::conndefaults ### for details. def conndefaults return self.class.conndefaults end ### Return the Postgres connection defaults structure as a Hash keyed by option ### keyword (as a Symbol). ### ### See also #conndefaults def self.conndefaults_hash return self.conndefaults.each_with_object({}) do |info, hash| hash[ info[:keyword].to_sym ] = info[:val] end end ### Returns a Hash with connection defaults. See ::conndefaults_hash ### for details. def conndefaults_hash return self.class.conndefaults_hash end # Method 'conninfo' was introduced in PostgreSQL 9.3. if self.instance_methods.find{|m| m.to_sym == :conninfo } ### Return the Postgres connection info structure as a Hash keyed by option ### keyword (as a Symbol). ### ### See also #conninfo def conninfo_hash return self.conninfo.each_with_object({}) do |info, hash| hash[ info[:keyword].to_sym ] = info[:val] end end end # Method 'ssl_attribute' was introduced in PostgreSQL 9.5. if self.instance_methods.find{|m| m.to_sym == :ssl_attribute } # call-seq: # conn.ssl_attributes -> Hash<String,String> # # Returns SSL-related information about the connection as key/value pairs # # The available attributes varies depending on the SSL library being used, # and the type of connection. # # See also #ssl_attribute def ssl_attributes ssl_attribute_names.each.with_object({}) do |n,h| h[n] = ssl_attribute(n) end end end end # class PG::Connection # :stopdoc: # Backward-compatible alias PGconn = PG::Connection