require "foreman" require "foreman/process" require "foreman/procfile" require "dotenv" require "tempfile" require "timeout" require "fileutils" require "thread" class Foreman::Engine # The signals that the engine cares about. # HANDLED_SIGNALS = [ :TERM, :INT, :HUP ] attr_reader :env attr_reader :options attr_reader :processes # Create an +Engine+ for running processes # # @param [Hash] options # # @option options [String] :formation (all=1) The process formation to use # @option options [Fixnum] :port (5000) The base port to assign to processes # @option options [String] :root (Dir.pwd) The root directory from which to run processes # def initialize(options={}) @options = options.dup @options[:formation] ||= (options[:concurrency] || "all=1") @options[:timeout] ||= 5 @env = {} @mutex = @names = {} @processes = [] @running = {} @readers = {} # Self-pipe for deferred signal-handling (ala djb: reader, writer = create_pipe reader.close_on_exec = true if reader.respond_to?(:close_on_exec) writer.close_on_exec = true if writer.respond_to?(:close_on_exec) @selfpipe = { :reader => reader, :writer => writer } # Set up a global signal queue # Thread.main[:signal_queue] = [] end # Start the processes registered to this +Engine+ # def start register_signal_handlers startup spawn_processes watch_for_output sleep 0.1 watch_for_termination { terminate_gracefully } shutdown end # Set up deferred signal handlers # def register_signal_handlers HANDLED_SIGNALS.each do |sig| if ::Signal.list.include? sig.to_s trap(sig) { Thread.main[:signal_queue] << sig ; notice_signal } end end end # Unregister deferred signal handlers # def restore_default_signal_handlers HANDLED_SIGNALS.each do |sig| trap(sig, :DEFAULT) if ::Signal.list.include? sig.to_s end end # Wake the main thread up via the selfpipe when there's a signal # def notice_signal @selfpipe[:writer].write_nonblock( '.' ) rescue Errno::EAGAIN # Ignore writes that would block rescue Errno::EINT # Retry if another signal arrived while writing retry end # Invoke the real handler for signal +sig+. This shouldn't be called directly # by signal handlers, as it might invoke code which isn't re-entrant. # # @param [Symbol] sig the name of the signal to be handled # def handle_signal(sig) case sig when :TERM handle_term_signal when :INT handle_interrupt when :HUP handle_hangup else system "unhandled signal #{sig}" end end # Handle a TERM signal # def handle_term_signal puts "SIGTERM received" terminate_gracefully end # Handle an INT signal # def handle_interrupt puts "SIGINT received" terminate_gracefully end # Handle a HUP signal # def handle_hangup puts "SIGHUP received" terminate_gracefully end # Register a process to be run by this +Engine+ # # @param [String] name A name for this process # @param [String] command The command to run # @param [Hash] options # # @option options [Hash] :env A custom environment for this process # def register(name, command, options={}) options[:env] ||= env options[:cwd] ||= File.dirname(command.split(" ").first) process =, options) @names[process] = name @processes << process end # Clear the processes registered to this +Engine+ # def clear @names = {} @processes = [] end # Register processes by reading a Procfile # # @param [String] filename A Procfile from which to read processes to register # def load_procfile(filename) options[:root] ||= File.dirname(filename) do |name, command| register name, command, :cwd => options[:root] end self end # Load a .env file into the +env+ for this +Engine+ # # @param [String] filename A .env file to load into the environment # def load_env(filename) @env.update end # Send a signal to all processes started by this +Engine+ # # @param [String] signal The signal to send to each process # def kill_children(signal="SIGTERM") if @running.each do |pid, (process, index)| system "sending #{signal} to #{name_for(pid)} at pid #{pid}" begin Process.kill(signal, pid) rescue Errno::ESRCH, Errno::EPERM end end else begin Process.kill signal, *@running.keys unless @running.empty? rescue Errno::ESRCH, Errno::EPERM end end end # Send a signal to the whole process group. # # @param [String] signal The signal to send # def killall(signal="SIGTERM") if kill_children(signal) else begin Process.kill "-#{signal}", rescue Errno::ESRCH, Errno::EPERM end end end # Get the process formation # # @returns [Fixnum] The formation count for the specified process # def formation @formation ||= parse_formation(options[:formation]) end # List the available process names # # @returns [Array] A list of process names # def process_names { |p| @names[p] } end # Get the +Process+ for a specifid name # # @param [String] name The process name # # @returns [Foreman::Process] The +Process+ for the specified name # def process(name) @names.invert[name] end # Yield each +Process+ in order # def each_process process_names.each do |name| yield name, process(name) end end # Get the root directory for this +Engine+ # # @returns [String] The root directory # def root File.expand_path(options[:root] || Dir.pwd) end # Get the port for a given process and offset # # @param [Foreman::Process] process A +Process+ associated with this engine # @param [Fixnum] instance The instance of the process # # @returns [Fixnum] port The port to use for this instance of this process # def port_for(process, instance, base=nil) if base base + (@processes.index(process.process) * 100) + (instance - 1) else base_port + (@processes.index(process) * 100) + (instance - 1) end end # Get the base port for this foreman instance # # @returns [Fixnum] port The base port # def base_port (options[:port] || env["PORT"] || ENV["PORT"] || 5000).to_i end # deprecated def environment env end private ### Engine API ###################################################### def startup raise TypeError, "must use a subclass of Foreman::Engine" end def output(name, data) raise TypeError, "must use a subclass of Foreman::Engine" end def shutdown raise TypeError, "must use a subclass of Foreman::Engine" end ## Helpers ########################################################## def create_pipe IO.method(:pipe) ? IO.pipe : IO.pipe("BINARY") end def name_for(pid) process, index = @running[pid] name_for_index(process, index) end def name_for_index(process, index) [ @names[process], index.to_s ].compact.join(".") end def parse_formation(formation) pairs = formation.to_s.gsub(/\s/, "").split(",") pairs.inject( do |ax, pair| process, amount = pair.split("=") process == "all" ? ax.default = amount.to_i : ax[process] = amount.to_i ax end end def output_with_mutex(name, message) @mutex.synchronize do output name, message end end def system(message) output_with_mutex "system", message end def termination_message_for(status) if status.exited? "exited with code #{status.exitstatus}" elsif status.signaled? "terminated by SIG#{Signal.list.invert[status.termsig]}" else "died a mysterious death" end end def flush_reader(reader) until reader.eof? data = reader.gets output_with_mutex name_for(@readers.key(reader)), data end end ## Engine ########################################################### def spawn_processes @processes.each do |process| 1.upto(formation[@names[process]]) do |n| reader, writer = create_pipe begin pid = => writer, :env => { "PORT" => port_for(process, n).to_s, "PS" => name_for_index(process, n) }) writer.puts "started with pid #{pid}" rescue Errno::ENOENT writer.puts "unknown command: #{process.command}" end @running[pid] = [process, n] @readers[pid] = reader end end end def watch_for_output do begin loop do io =[@selfpipe[:reader]] + @readers.values, nil, nil, 30) begin @selfpipe[:reader].read_nonblock(11) rescue Errno::EAGAIN, Errno::EINTR => err # ignore end # Look for any signals that arrived and handle them while sig = Thread.main[:signal_queue].shift self.handle_signal(sig) end (io.nil? ? [] : io.first).each do |reader| next if reader == @selfpipe[:reader] if reader.eof? @readers.delete_if { |key, value| value == reader } else data = reader.gets output_with_mutex name_for(@readers.invert[reader]), data end end end rescue Exception => ex puts ex.message puts ex.backtrace end end end def watch_for_termination pid, status = Process.wait2 output_with_mutex name_for(pid), termination_message_for(status) @running.delete(pid) yield if block_given? pid rescue Errno::ECHILD end def terminate_gracefully return if @terminating restore_default_signal_handlers @terminating = true if system "sending SIGKILL to all processes" kill_children "SIGKILL" else system "sending SIGTERM to all processes" kill_children "SIGTERM" end Timeout.timeout(options[:timeout]) do watch_for_termination while @running.length > 0 end rescue Timeout::Error system "sending SIGKILL to all processes" kill_children "SIGKILL" end end